Spondon Neighbourhood Board Chairman, Cllr. Chris Poulter, reflects on great summer for our community:
It's been a tremendous summer here in Spondon, with many events taking place which the Spondon Neighbourhood Board has been delighted to support.
Spondon Day was a great community event, despite the poor weather. The unveiling of the Toposcope and improvements at Dale Park, and the Sensory Garden were also amongst the highlights. Many residents have taken part in a charity fund raising events in Spondon at local pubs, the cricket club and through the Spondon Safari raising thousands of pounds. Congratulations to all involved!
It is exactly this type of community spirit and involvement that the Board is seeking to promote and support. We meet on a regular basis, working in partnership to address local issues, set priorities and plan to further improve our community. We are always interested in speaking to people who might be interested in joining the Board or want to help us at one of our sub group meetings.
I am looking to establish a "Friends of Spondon Cemetery" group of users and local residents, to address a number of issues raised by users around the maintenance of the grounds and facilities there. If you have a little time to spare and an interest in making improvements to this important facility in the heart of our village please contact me for details of the group.
Spondon’s skyline will soon be changing with the addition of two wind turbines under construction and due for erection by the end of the year, by Severn Trent Water at their site in Spondon. We are working with them to introduce a Low Energy Neighbourhood project to promote energy efficiency and home energy saving advice.
The Board has some funding available in our Community Budget which can be used to assist with community events, sports clubs and other local groups. Some of the projects supported recently are highlighted below. For details please contact me or your local Neighbourhood officer, Mandy.douglass@derby.gov.uk.
Chris Poulter, Chair, Spondon Neighbourhood Board
01332 643640 or 07855 482078; Email: christopher.poulter@derby.gov.uk