Trees for Spondon initiative looks to grow

A group aiming to plant more trees throughout Spondon is making its plans for 2021.

Trees for Spondon was originally launched in January 2020 as a new group from Spondon's Village Improvement Committee. Its mission is to promote tree-planting in the community.

Since launch, its members have grown in number, but the group's original plans were hampered by the restrictions put in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They now hope to get back to moving things forward during 2021. 

The group are working closely with Trees For Derby and the Woodland Trust as well as seeking partnerships with Derby City Council and other community groups.

The ambition of Trees for Derby is to plant one tree for every person in Derby (a quarter of a million) so the Trees for Spondon group will aim for the equivalent – 12,000 trees, one for every resident of Spondon.

You can find out more about the project via their own website,

Obviously additional resources such as money and volunteers are needed to make the project a success. Please email or visit their website above if you want to find out more about the project or offer help in any way.