As part of the Spondon Neighbourhood’s ‘You Said, We Did’ Forum, the Safer Spondon Team are pleased to be able to report the following:
People using the NO Entry on Drury Avenue:
Recently Spondon Safer Neighbourhood Team carried out an operation on Drury Avenue, this was after reports were received from members of the community who had witnesses vehicles entering Drury Avenue from Willowcroft Road. Vehicles observed by officers were stopped and £30 non endorsable tickets issued. A further operation is planned for later on in the year.
Speeding in Spondon:
Spondon Safer Neighbourhood Team have also carried out Speeding Surveys on Locko Road and Dale Road. Vehicles were surveyed throughout the morning and vehicles seen to be speeding were stopped and spoken to by officers. Officers also attend Borrowash Road to check weight limits of vehicles using this road after reports from local residents who had observed large HGV using the road as a cut through for Nottingham Road.
Further operations are planned in the future.