Following last year's success, Spondon Community Association and Village Improvement Committee have agreed to organise another Spondon Social Safari for 2013.
We had 20 stops last year and, judging by the feedback so far, we should have even more this year. It’s a great social community event so make a note of the date -Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st July 2013.
Coming out of winter and only just into spring does not see our gardens and patios in the best condition as our prime objective recently has been simply in keeping warm and looking at our gardens through glass.
The Safari is not about pristine gardens or patios however, but very much more about community social interaction with the emphasis on a social atmosphere.
So if you enjoy chatting to people and have a hobby or some interest such as showing off your collection, running a tombola or Bric-a-Brac stall or just entertaining with a cup of tea on the patio, then the Safari could be for you.
The choice of how exactly you get involved is yours and the flexibility of opening time is also entirely up to yourselves - whether it’s a few hours one day or spread over the two days.
It is a great way to raise funds for your favourite charity and we ask if you would also make a donation to the Village Improvement Committee who do so much to enhance the appearance of our Village.
If you wish to learn more about possibly being a ‘Stop’ along the route during the Safari this July, please contact one of the organisers - Roy Battelle 722858 or John Fooks 670286.